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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Poetry of Sy Roth

He is a retired school administrator living on Long Island. After spending years in the wilderness of work, he finally has time to think and write. He has published in Visceral Uterus and two works to-be-published in Amulet in August and September. He has also had several essays published in Newsday.

Penn Station

Penn Station entrance,
he leans ungracefully
smudges the wall.
crowds pass him,
rheumy eyes hidden behind heavy
droopy lids,
visible parts twinkling with chicanery.
his crooked mien sings dissimulation.

no pleading signs bedeck him,
weighted only with deflated balloon-dreams
draped around his neck
hissing long dissipated air
into the ether.
boxes of sadness
closet him.

unkept promises,
cram the valleys of his being
buried in river muck
of glacier-gouged pasts, a
substrata of his flaccid dreams.
no entreaties,
only surrender,
trapped in his mind-doors.

sounds of the city
girdle him;
he unembraced.

Idle Water Thoughts

they hack through the earth’s core
machines biting it,
slipping their long pipes into the aquifer
squirrling through thin layers to find water
mussing lush patches of her
lusting for her water.
I’m thirsty.

a dog pees against the cobblestones,
its owner tapping his foot
whistling a you-don’t-see-me tune
I conjectured
at the seemingly endless flow, and
the dog’s ahhhhh grin
as his urine burden splashes.
an idle thought wiggles in
traipsing through for a playful second--
I see a Tyrannosaurus Rex behind my eyes
and I watch him pee
lifting his huge leg,
evacuating his bladder--
how much water would he produce?
a lake?
fill a cairn?
I think.

I imagined the waters of millions of Tyrrani
filling reservoirs.
I watch their water seep into the soil
and leak into yellow cisterns for millennia.
perhaps the waters of those gothic beasts
nourish us today,
we being blessed
by the nurturing waters of the gargantuas.
My thirst slaked.

final observation--
that dog scratches at the ground with its hind paws,
marches snappily behind its owner
unconcerned that he could
be hydrating future generations
the corers, as well, still pierce
I laugh.

Love Song

hate and love side-by-side,
vexing each other.
a capricious love song
mutilates their heart-places.
rings in rolling peals
creates phantasms that Hiroshimize walls.
silently they muster
glaring eyes
and shuffle their shoulders
in opposite directions.

frightened children,
victims of a lilting threnody--
in search of specters,
entombed spirits,
and purring witches that
dip-stick into dreams
stirring a cauldron’s brew,
of gossamer conflicts.
and goggle-eyed black cats
extricated from sealed walls.

perverse confessions follow
like rats gnawing through walls.
they are dressed in gloomy grieving vestments
swaying to the melancholic whining
for a lost master.
they slink away.

Ebon Wall

black wall
monumentally immense,
solid ebon relic of horrors
balled into its inky interior.
impermeable blackness,
darker than the grave
inviting long beginnings
and artlessly quick endings.
head flinches with the trigger
a dreadful scowl splashes their faces
as they slip to the ground.

I live there,
exist on a millennium-long,
bone-weary blotch of earth.
borne away at times
in liquid moments,
to return, and wait
to be prodded erect in front of her
bespattered wall
smelling of iron
comingled with chlorine,
overshadowed by the smell of disquietude—

no windows to peer out of
no windows in
a permanent black hole
electric sense of expectancy
static charges ever present.
howls of incredulity
vibrate the air turbulently like a tsunami
a tectonic movement of the plates of the earth
shifting and grinding against one another
like frenzied lovers
and I rest without expectation of climax
feeling it.
a red hot eminence sits within,
buried deeply,
a hand will eventually drag me in.

Black Nuggets

unsuppressed desire and
cloudy intentions
reside in the brutish nightmares
of Lucifer’s dreams.
they swim in the ebon cauldron
as the witches stir an unbridled brew
mixing in a thimbleful of this and that,
a pricked pinch of blood,
a miniscule inky dot,
then cast spells
loosing black nuggets into
in the soup of beings.

mole-like, these nuggets
dig, then roar to the surface with the
wooly ambition a freight train.
they will bear their fruit in those
bifurcated-genome-sequenced beings
who live awash in their own egos.
that dark seed,
gees and haws them indiscriminately.

once hidden
behind a scrim of verisimilitude,
they fly out of a twelfth story window
and end with a splat.

The quagmire

the blue bubble
glumly sinks
beneath the weight of
insatiable beings who
rather than build.
fading agate
under the weight of their
puerile inanities.

few saviors
buried among them--
she, the builder
with trowels in one hand,
weapons in the other
willing to defend her creations.
he, possessor of a world
which began
as a big bang of words
clapped together like chalk erasers
and a
willingness to risk all
to keep tomes spun gold
with words
from the funeral pyre where
nestled in their folds
truths lay in wait.

until then,
the quagmire
is our siren.

Nabobs of Illusion

nabobs of illusion--
these nabis pontificate,
sing their own praises
strew wishes upon the wind
like Johnny Appleseeds
creating groves and verdant fields.

they appear profound,
these gurus,
nested atop mountains
contemplating their eternity.
bogeymen who lack insight
hide behind their truths,
freeze their declarations of right
into ice cream treats
to be licked clean
by hungry masses.
conceive ideas in cigar-smoked laboratories,
inventing treacly mixtures
concocted to whet appetites,
urge their poster-carrying seals
to bark at the dangling treats,
fin-clapping din filling carnival tents.
scared muammin abdicate
like fleshless musselmen and
pay homage
cramming prayers into wall cracks.

nabis engender fear,
flouncing minds
in their whipped wind.

The quagmire

the blue bubble
glumly sinks
beneath the weight of
insatiable beings who
rather than build.
fading agate
under the weight of their
puerile inanities.

few saviors
buried among them--
she, the builder
with trowels in one hand,
weapons in the other
willing to defend her creations.
he, possessor of a world
which began
as a big bang of words
clapped together like chalk erasers
and a
willingness to risk all
to keep tomes spun gold
with words
from the funeral pyre where
nestled in their folds
truths lay in wait.

until then,
the quagmire
is our siren.

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