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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A Poetry Collection of CARLY GOVE

We are very impressed with the poetry of CARLY GOVE, she writes with the verve, passion and color of an experienced poet. MEL BRAKE PRESS is proud to present her talent.

Brilliant Blue Sky

Sunlight streams through the window,
Falling pale yellow on
Linoleum floor.
Air buzzes with conversation
Brisk teachers addressing surly students,
Vapid, giggling girls doing their damndest
To remain so.
The sky is brilliant blue (the tired old adage),
Blemished not by cloud,
But blessed not by bee,
Nor bird, nor tree.
There’s a subtle
Gentleness in the beauty of the land,
Blanketed by the warmth from above,
Radiant as the face I love most.

Cold, Wet, Temporary

So beautiful, so delicate.
They’ll all melt, someday.
Nothing can stop it.
But they’re pretty in the meantime.
Let’s just enjoy them now, okay?
Don’t argue.
Just forget about the future.
We’ll love them now.
And forget they’re doomed.
Our cold, wet, and temporary friends.


Rushing, icy water wraps around me
Trying hard and hopelessly to pull up from sea
My lungs: so wet
I have not died quite yet
Though it feels like I have, in mind
The fire of mankind
Barely burning behind my eyes
Waves fooling me as skies
A gentle sheet, cupping my face
An old friend, Death, I must embrace
Choking back words I ought to have said
For me, a tear, will they shed?
Life passed me by, without a backward glance
But for opportunity, did I really advance?
Chances gone, time’s run out
Swims by, a lonesome trout
Nose clogged up
Around my mouth, my hands do cup
Searching for some long, lost air
Swirls my face, wisps of hair
Eyes are stinging, reddening, slipping forth
Waves as cold as in the north
My body sinks, deep down under
And all at once, I do wonder
Is there a scarier way to die?

Cold, Wet, Temporary

So beautiful, so delicate.
They’ll all melt, someday.
Nothing can stop it.
But they’re pretty in the meantime.
Let’s just enjoy them now, okay?
Don’t argue.
Just forget about the future.
We’ll love them now.
And forget they’re doomed.
Our cold, wet, and temporary friends.

Love Note

Your breath brushes at my ear
And I find myself relaxing into your embrace.
Your comforting touch pulls me into a sense of ease,
And I nearly collapse with exhaustion.

“Thank God I have you,” I murmur.

You distract me from this life,
And I am eternally grateful.
I love you in all that you are
And all that you aren’t.
You are the reason I ‘m still here.

Thank you, my beautiful library.


The music pounds like
Shots fired from a gun,
One followed
By another.
I can feel the vibrations through my entire
The music is so loud they can probably hear it down
The block.
No one can hear anything else.
This is what I love most.
The anonymity of it all.
It’s the only place that I can easily
Be accepted; the place where
No one bothers to understand.

Kneel and Pray

Heels clicking, hips swishing
We walk
Fluorescent light flicker, reflecting in the shiny linoleum floors
Teachers stand stiffly by doors, searching for something,
In the throbbing mass that stands, walks, slides, dances
To their next class, another 45 minutes
Of counting down the clock
Couples coyly kiss in stairwells,
Avoiding the prying eyes of the lonely
Lustful, jealous teachers,
This moment is theirs.
We find havens where we can,
Hole ourselves away from the hideous warehouse of flesh and metal surrounding us
Hoping for heartaches, hoping for pain, hoping for a break from the tedious
Monotony that follows us like some slinking snake
Threatening asphyxiation at every
Listlessly, we carry on
Faking laughter, faking tears,
We play the pretend game of high school soap opera,
Desperately, futilely fighting with our own ever-present emptiness
Like some great ocean storm that circles
Like the slick decks of our consciousness.
Lost and stupid, we kneel and pray for relief.

Carly Gove is 15 years old and attends high school in South Jersey. Her favorite things include Harry Potter, astronomy, Doctor Who, glassblowing, and, most recently, the movie Brave. Additionally, she enjoys the many-splendored company of her crazy relatives, and even (occasionally) that of her immediate family. She thanks you for reading her poem.

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